Our Mission

The German Business Association (GBA) is dedicated to fostering a vibrant and resilient business environment for German companies in Vietnam. Our mission is to support and advocate for our members by ensuring optimal market conditions, encouraging investment, and promoting German business culture and values. Through collaboration with local authorities and stakeholders, we strive to enhance the visibility and reputation of the German business community while facilitating meaningful professional and social exchanges.

  • We represent our members to local authorities, focusing on legal and regulatory frameworks, taxation, labor, and intellectual property rights
  • We create optimal market conditions for German companies in Vietnam, focusing on legal certainty,  supply chains, and suitable infrastructure
  • We encourage and support actively German investments in Vietnam, working in close cooperation with AHK Vietnam.
  • We serve as a competence center for our members, providing valuable insights into the Vietnamese business environment.
  • We provide a forum for businesses in Vietnam to identify and discuss common interests.
  • We promote German business culture and values, advocating for social responsibility and sustainability.
  • We organize social events to foster a strong membership community, providing opportunities for personal and business networking.
  • We leverage our connections with other business associations in Vietnam to amplify the voice of our members.