Dr. Armin Kuhr

Armin Kuhr

Address: Ho Chi Minh City





Armin Kuhr

  • Founder and CEO| Association for Behaviour Therapy and Behavioural Medicine in Dinklar, Germany
  • Founder and CEO| KJP Hamburg GmbH


Dr. Armin Kuhr was born in Berlin, Germany. He was trained intensively in Behaviour Therapy at Middlesex Hospital Medical School, London, England (1976). He received a Diploma in Psychology at the University of Hamburg, Germany (1971), and was promoted Dr.rer.nat. from the Mathematical-Natural Science Faculty at the University of Göttingen, Germany (1975).

During his time at the Hanover Medical School (1978 -1997), he was awarded another doctoral degree (Dr. biol.hum.habil.) and chaired, as Professor of Clinical Psychology, the Unit of Clinical Psychology.

His experience with Pschotherapy/Behavioural Therapy covers more than 40 years of teaching at Hanover Medical School, at professional meetings and Universities around the world. He is still practicing psychotherapy in different settings and serves as CEO at two postgraduate teaching institutions for trainees in psychotherapy under German law. Additionally he worked in mental health promotion for big German firms (e.g. Volkswagen, Bosch, MTU, TUIfly).

Research interests

  • Psychotherapy Training (specifically: curricula, modes of training).
  • Development of Psychotherapy (integration of different schools).
  • Quality Management/quality assurance in psychotherapy.
  • Anxiety and Obsessive Compulsive Disorders, Depression, Stammering/Stuttering.

Education and working Experience

1999 – 2016 Board of Directors – German Behaviour Therapy Association (DGVT)
Since 1997 Managing Director & Founder of the Association for Behaviour Therapy and Behavioural Medicine, offering postgraduate training in psychotherapy (Behaviour Therapy) for adults and children/adolescents, leading to the state license to practice psychotherapy
1978 – 1997


Lecturer/Professor at the Hanover Medical School, Department of Psychiatry, Psychological Unit.
1976 Trainee in Behaviour Therapy with Reader Dr. Victor Meyer et al. at the Middlesex Hospital Medical School
1975 Obtained Ph.D. in Science at the University of Göttingen, Germany
1971 – 1978 Lecturer in Educational Psychology at the Teacher Training College,  Göttingen
1966 -1971 Obtained Diploma in psychology at the University of Hamburg, Germany

Professional Memberships

Current Memberships in professional organizations:

  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Verhaltenstherapie (DGVT, Germany)
  • British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP, Great Britain)
  • Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT, USA)
  • Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR, International)

Publications (selected)

  1. Progress in the treatment of fluency disorders,

Edited by Lena Rustin, Harry Purser, and David Rowley

Progress in clinical science series

Taylor & Francis 0 85066 664 3 (1987)

  1. Handlungsfehler und Misserfolge in der Psychotherapie

Tübinger Reihe; Hrsg.: Dieter Kleiber u. Armin Kuhr

Beiträge zur psychosozialen Praxis 3 922686 86 9 (1988)

  1. Social skills and the speech impaired; second edition

Lena Rustin und Armin Kuhr 1 897635 567 (1999)

  1. Die Verhaltenstherapeutische Behandlung des Stotterns

Springer Verlag 3 540 54115 2 (1991)

  1. Neurosen Psychosomatische Erkrankungen Psychotherapie

Psychiatrie der Gegenwart 1 (Dritte, völlig neue gestaltete Auflage)

Springer Verlag 0 387 16026 4 (1986)

  1. Psychiatrie Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie
  2. komplett neu bearbeitete Auflage

Georg Thieme Verlag 313 495606 3 (1991)

  1. Störungsorientierte Psychotherapie

Hrsg.:  S.C.Herpertz, F.Caspar, Ch. Mundt

Urban & Fischer 978 3 437 23730 0 (2008)


  1. Qualitätssicherung in der Psychotherapie und psychosozialen Versorgung

Hrsg.: Anton Rupert Laireiter & Heiner Vogel

Verlag: Dgvt; 3 87159 019 3 (1998)


  1. Controlled trial of speech therapy versus oxprenolol for stammering.

British Medical Journal Saturday (22.08.1981)

Rustin, L., A. Kuhr, P. J.Cook, I. M. James


  1. The Treatment of Stammering: A Multi-Modal Approach in an In-Patient Setting

International Journal of Language and Communication disorders

Rustin & Kuhr, 1983 pp 90-97