Workshop “Energy Efficiency in Commercial and Industrial Operations – A State of the Art Approach”

HCMC, 9 November 2023 – The German Business Association (GBA) successfully organized a workshop on the energy efficiency in commercial and industrial operations. The workshop took place at Bayer Vietnam’s office space and attracted 25 members from various business sectors.

The workshop introduced the concepts and benefits of energy efficiency (EE) and renewable energy (RE)/solar photovoltaic (PV), as well as the challenges and opportunities for implementing them in Vietnam. It also presented the current status and trends of EE and RE/solar PV in Vietnam and around the world. The keynote speaker shared insights on how to integrate RE/solar PV technologies into EE solutions to achieve even greater benefits. The participants appreciated this interactive session, as they could gain experiences and best practices from the speakers and other professionals in the field of energy efficiency!

We would like to express our gratitude to the workshop moderator, Mr. Mathias G. Kothe from Syntegra Solar International AG, and the keynote speaker,  Dr. Timm Roessel from Etanomics,, as well as the venue sponsor, Bayer Vietnam, for their great contributions to our successful workshop!