[Supporting News] Shape Vietnam’s Green Future: Take the Vietnam Business Forum’s quick ESG survey

🌏 📢 Supporting Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) in Vietnam!

In light of Vietnam’s rapid growth, your input is crucial in guiding the nation towards sustainable success. The Vietnam Business Forum (VBF), in partnership with the Green Growth Sector Committee – EuroCham Vietnam and associated chambers, is leading a vital initiative: the ESG (Environment – Social – Governance) survey.

The survey is concise, taking only 5-10 minutes to complete, yet it holds the potential to significantly contribute to the business landscape in Vietnam. Your insights will emphasize the international business community’s commitment to ESG principles and resonate with the Vietnamese ministries’ goals for 2024.

🖌️Please take the Survey Now Here>>>
📌 Survey Deadline: Feb 25, 2024

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About the EuroCham’s Green Growth Sector Committee

Established in May 2014, the Green Growth Sector Committee (GGSC) aims to work with stakeholders to mainstream green business, abolish barriers, and create the conditions for green business to thrive in Vietnam. The GGSC works with the government of Vietnam, its agencies, Vietnamese and European companies, and other stakeholders to accomplish its mission.

Review the GGSC Introduction Slide for a better introduction.

Find more details on the website