Monthly Business Meeting: The Circular Economy of Plastic
Le Meridien Hotel Saigon, Monday 7 November – A circular economy is restorative and regenerative by design. This means materials constantly flow around a ‘closed loop’ system, rather than being used once and then discarded. In the case of plastic, this means simultaneously keeping the value of plastics in the economy, without leakage into the natural environment. But this is easier said than done. After our first successful workshop “Sustainability Matters” in the ‘GREEN’ series of November, the GBA Monthly Business Meeting was held with an aim to embrace a holistic approach to “The Circular Economy of Plastic.
The meeting was chaired by Stephan Pruetzmann, General Director & Head of Country of C. Melchers Co. (Vietnam) Ltd./ GBA Board Member with our keynote speakers:
- Mrs. Karen Smit, Founder & ReThinker of ReThink Plastic Vietnam
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Hong Quan, Member of the Council Board, Director of the Institute for Circular Economic Development (ICED)
- Mr. Nano Morante, Founder & CEO of PLASTICPeople
The three speakers covered the whole session with an overview of Vietnam’s plastic waste issues and its long-term solutions. The presentations then triggered lively discussions, where all participants gained further sharing and an in-depth understanding of following points:
- “The role of design in the Circular Economy of Plastic” focusing on Vietnam & Southeast Asia
- “Circular Economy and Recent Legislations in Vietnam”
- “Real solution for sustainable and circular plastic waste management”
We would like to thank Le Meridien Saigon hotel for hosting this event. Moreover, thank you all for joining us and bringing lots of useful insights which will definitely contribute to our Green journey.
Save the date: The final pitch of GBA Business Challenge 2022 on Monday, 12 December 2022. “A good event never ends in the world they take only a pause and keep us waiting for the next”.