Members for Members Workshop: “Leverage Personal Productivity in Leadership”

The 2nd ‘Members for Members’ workshop wrapped up yesterday (18 May) afternoon at the Deutsches Haus Ho Chi Minh City.

The 3-hour workshop session ‘Leverage Personal Productivity in Leadership’ points out the today’s tales of time-hungry organizations, people today are under intense pressure to be “ideal workers” – totally committed to their jobs and always on call, they arrive early, stay late, pull all-nighters, and remain tied to their electronic devices 24/7.

The keynote speaker, Dao Anh Tuan – Head of PMO Siemens Healthineers Vietnam, guided the group of 15 engaged participants through his passionate research and application on the Total Alignment System which provides us a must-have solution for our productive and well-balanced lives – both in and out of the workplace.

We would like to sincerely thank Mr. Tuan and Siemens Healthineers Vietnam team for providing us such an informative and useful session.

Stay tuned for our next ‘Members for Members’ workshop!