GBA takes on Social Distancing: All Events postponed

Dear Members and Friends,

Due to the unstable COVID-19 situation, we have decided to postpone our upcoming Events until further notice. We regret that we cannot predict when we can continue with our Event schedule, but we will inform you as soon as the situation allows us to host our GBA events for you.

We are working on digital alternatives for this timeframe. Due to the recommended social distancing, the GBA office is run with minimal physical presence.

We will keep you informed on recent developments and hope to see you all again on our Events, once the conditions allow us to. Please be ensured that we are always reachable via Email/Phones, so kindly reach out as usual:

  • For Marketing, Communications, questions:

  • For Membership requests:

  • For Events:

  • For Administration, Finance, payment related matters:


Please stay safe and healthy.

With warm regards

Your GBA Team