GBA New Member OnBoarding | September 2022

New member on Boarding Social Post


GBA New Member Onboarding | September 2022

Deutsches Haus HCMC, Thursday, 8 September – We thank our new members for joining GBA onboarding meeting at GBA office. During the meeting, GBA Chairman Mr. Alexander Götz and GBA Board Member, Mr.Tuan Vi delivered an introduction about GBA’s missions, visions and key activities, along with a focused topic on how to maximize the benefits of GBA and the dual EuroCham’s membership. Then, a cozy networking facilitated immediately first connections among new members.
We continually strive to connect our members to one another and to the community at large. Please join us to welcome them by visiting their website or stopping by to introduce yourself. The personal touch will help GBA continue to grow and thrive! 
Once again, welcome you all to German Business Association – GBA in Vietnam! We are excited to have you as part of our growing community.