The GBA members represent a variety of German businesses in Vietnam from small and medium-sized enterprises to large global players. They are a good reflection of the German economy’s structure in general.
We would like to introduce our new members to you every month. Please welcome our two new members for December 2021 which makes the final number of GBA members in 2021: 340 members.
- Toan Phat Printing & Packaging designs and manufactures high-end box, folding box, container, packaging solution and printing products. Establishment and development since 2006, Toan Phat aims to become a leading corporation in the region in the field of manufacturing and supplying packaging and printing products. With the motto – Our company’s reputation is our priority, we have received the trust of customers in many fields, providing products to many high demanding markets such as the US, Europe, Asia… More detail here >>>
- Dr. Armin Kuhr was born in Berlin, Germany. He was trained intensively in Behaviour Therapy at Middlesex Hospital Medical School, London, England (1976). He received a Diploma in Psychology at the University of Hamburg, Germany (1971). During his time at the Hanover Medical School (1978 -1997), he was awarded another doctoral degree (Dr. biol.hum.habil.) and chaired, as Professor of Clinical Psychology, the Unit of Clinical Psychology. His experience with Psychotherapy/Behavioral Therapy covers more than 40 years of teaching at Hanover Medical School, at professional meetings and Universities around the world. He is still practicing psychotherapy in different settings and serves as CEO at two postgraduate teaching institutions for trainees in psychotherapy under German law. Additionally he worked in mental health promotion for big German firms (e.g. Volkswagen, Bosch, MTU, TUIfly). Dr. Kuhr is teaching at Hoa Sen University and planning to to join a Vietnamese company for Counseling & Training in the Mental Health Field.
Thank you for joining us and welcome on Board!